How to Start a DJ Business in INDIA : 3 Steps to Success

There are two important things. First Learn to perform as a DJ, Then Learn to market your DJing art as a business.

Let’s assume, You want to learn cooking. What do you need?

You need equipment, an experienced teacher & practice.

Similarly, You need to learn from the right person and practice it in equipment.

This article is about 3 easy steps to success as a professional DJ in INDIA.

The way of learning DJing art will design your career as a DJ

Step 1: Learn DJing in the right way

Let’s assume, You want to learn basic music theory for DJing but you are wasting your whole day on youtube to learn it. Therefore you are getting zero knowledge about it.

It’s not the right way to learn it.

You need ask yourself: To be better DJ, What I really need to learn?

Things we must learn to be DJ

Basic music theory for DJ

Yes music theory is really important as a DJ,

That’s why More music theory = Better DJ
In short, Learn the basic and keep working to learn more

Learn software

Learning updated software like Rekordbox, Virtual DJ, Serato DJ, etc. is very important today.
If you know your software inside out, You can achieve more with less effort.

Learn one software and master it.

Learn easy

If you want to reach level 99, Start with level 1.
Most common mistakes we make, we want to learn everything instantly.
In the process of rushing on learning, we are losing more time and energy in a negative direction.

Therefore, Focus more on understanding one thing clearly and move to the next thing one by one.

Keep learning for more success

There is no end to any subject. But we have to keep learning and improving ourselves as much as we can.
But Importantly make sure not to feel incomplete if you don’t know a specific thing.

Masters are master because they are still learning

Learn what you need to your grow your DJing career

Step 2: Minimum equipment

For example, Do you need a camera to become a photographer? Maybe yes or maybe no.

But you definitely need a camera to learn photography.
You can learn photography with any camera, right? Similarly, You can start and master DJing with any type of equipment.

You need at least one DJing equipment to start it.

Do you really need to buy expensive DJ equipment?

Buy basic equipment

Don’t buy expensive DJ equipment in the beginning.

If you want to learn chess, which chess board is the best one? Most expensive one?

Similarly you only need basic Djing equipment within your budget and possibilities.

Build your worth using your abilities not equipments 

Rent what you need

If you need sound, lights, amplifier, etc., just rent it locally as per requirements of your event.

Most of time, you should focus more on yourself and avoid the hassle of managing different things in the beginning. 

Learn Google marketing asap

Step 3: Effective Marketing 

You are the best cook in the world but you don’t have customers in your hotel. The same thing applies to your DJing marketing. You are an amazing DJ but with no event.

You need to give 50% priority to marketing and 50% to your skill as an artist.

Can you spend on marketing?

Google is the king

Google local business is the king for DJ in INDIA. So focus on google local marketing and master it asap. 


Reference from other clients and friends is the best way to convert the lead to customer. So keep your circle big and remind them continuously about your DJing business & achievements 

Social media & paid marketing

It’s important when you reach advance level.

Remember one line: more followers doesn’t mean more business.

Earn more in business and work on followers later. It’s a little out-of-stream comment but you need to understand your capacity and possibility for social media. When you are starting a business as a DJ, Don’t jump to jumpstart everything with one click. Everything will come naturally one by one.

Meet other DJs

Make friends with other DJs and meet club owners nearby. Find a place or person who needs a DJ regularly. If you are good, they will come behind you to hire you.

Extra tips for new DJ

Should I work for FREE as a DJ to get more clients?

If you are getting a stronger portfolio or happiness. Go for it! 

In conclusion, Your Roadmap is always different, 

But you need to start taking your step. You will find your own obstacles, solution, and path. 

One day you will definitely achieve your financial & spiritual goal as a DJ.

To learn DJing & Remixing, You are welcome to schedule call with Fruit Punch DJ Academy or Whatsapp.